Ūļc(Invited talks)

- K. Kitayama and S. Shimada, "Recent research activities of optical computing at NTT Laboratories," Conference Record of 1990 International Topical Meeting on Optical Computing, 10F1(Kobe 1990).
- K. Kitayama and F. I to, "Photorefractive crystal waveguides and their applications," Photorefractive Materials,h Effects, and Devices 1991 Technical Digest Series, vol.14, pp.MC14-1-4 (Beverly 1991).
- K. Kitayama and F. Ito, "Photorefractive holographic memory system and its devices" European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 1994 Spring Meeting, C.V-5(Strasbourg 1994).
- K. Kitayama and T. Kuri, gMillimeter wave photonics and the application to fiber-optic wireless networks,h 1997 Sino-Japanese Joint Meeting on Optical Fiber Science and Electromagnetic Theory (OFSETf97), pp. 17-22 (Wuhan 1997).
- K. Kitayama and T. Kuri, gDual lightwave technique for optical generation and transport of wireless signals,h International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWPf97), TH2-0 (Duisburg 1997).
- K. Kitayama, gArchitectural considerations of radio-on-fiber millimeter-wave wireless access systems,h 1998 International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Elecronics (ISSSEf98), TM3.2 (Pisa 1998).
- K. Kitayama, "Optical DSB signal based mm-wave fiber-radio system using external modulation technique: Ultimate performance and cost," International Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonic Technologies (CPT'99) , We1-1(Sendai, 1999).
- K. Kitayama, gArchitectural considerations of fiber-radio millimeter-wave wireless access systems,h Photonik- Symposium, Gefordert von der Volkswagen-Stiftung, (Duisburg 1999.9.29-10.01).
- K. Kitayama, gOptical DSB signal based mm-wave fiber-radio system using external modulation technique: Ultimate performance,h International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics(MWPf99), W-4.1(Melbourne 1999).
- K. Kitayama, gAn approach to single optical component antenna base station for broadband millimeter-wave fiber-radio access system,h OIDA Microwave Phtonics Workshop (March, 2000, Santa Monica).
- K. Kitayama, T. Kuri, R. Heinzelmann, A. Stohr, D. Jager, and Y. Takahashi, gA good prospect for broadband millimeter-wave fiber-radio access system - An approach to single optical component at antenna base station,h 2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol.3, TH4C-3, pp.1745-1748 (Boston, June 2000).
- K. Kitayama, gPhotonic label processing based upon optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) and its applications to photonic networks,h Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2000), 14A2-1(Makuhari, July 2000).
- K. Kitayama, gBroadband fiber-radio access systems,h Microwave workshop and exhibition (MWE02), pp.225-226 (Dec. 2001).
- K. Kitayama, gPhotonic switchings: From MPLS, burst to packet switching,h Photonics 2002, NET1.1 (Mumbai, India, Dec. 16-18, 2002).
- K. Kitayama, gPhotonic switchings using optical code labels,h COIN2003, TuB1-1(Melbourne, July 2003).
- K. Kitayama, gVersatile Optical Code Based MPLS for Circuit-, Burst-, and Packet Switchings,h ITCom 2003, Session6, 5247-17 (Florida, Sept. 2003).
- K. Kitayama, gOptical code correlation-based processing: a potential technology for photonic networking,h CLEO/Pacific2003, TH1A (Taipei, Dec. 2003).
- K. Kitayama, gDWDM millimeter-wave fiber-radio systems,h NEFERTITI-WS03 (Valencia).
- K. Kitayama, h Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Radio-on-Fiber Systems,h MWP2003.
- K. Kitayama, gVersatile Optical Code Based MPLS for Circuit-, Burst-, and Packet Switchings,h 29th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC-IOOC2003), Mo3.4.1, (Rimini, Sept. 2003).
- K. Kitayama, X. Wang, and H. Sotobayashi, gState of the art and applications of optical code division multiple access,h ECOC2004, Tu4.6.1.
- K. Kitayama, gIs it time to shift the R&D plans of photonic networks? (Keynote lecture),h OpNeTec04 (Pisa, Italy, October 2004).
- K. Kitayama, N. Wada, M. Murata, and S. Hara, gOptical code based optical burst switching networks,h APOC2004 (Beijing, Nov. 2004).
- K. Kitayama, gMillimeter-wave radio-on-fiber system: Dense WDM and photonic conversions,h RAWcon2004 (Atlanta, Sept., 2004).
- K. Kitayama, gPhotonic networking R&D activities in Japan gA report from Photonic Internet Forum,h Broadband Europe (Brugge, Belgium, Dec.8-10, 2004).
- K. Kitayama, g'Optical burst switching network testbed in Japan,h OFC05, OWC3 (Anaheim, March 2005).
- K. Kitayama, K. Ikeda, H. Tobioka, T. Inoue, and S. Namiki, gPhotonic analog-to-digital conversion,h LEOS 2005 Summer Topicals, "Optical Signal Processing Theory, Technologies and Applications" (San Diego, July 2005).
- K. Kitayama, gPhotonic network R&D activities in Japan,h APOC2005, 6022-57 (Shanghai, Nov.2005).
- K.Kitayama, K.Ikeda, Y.Miyoshi, H.Tobioka, T.Inoue, and S.Namki, gAll-Optical A/D Conversion Based upon Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Switch and its Applications,h IMS2006, WorkshopWFC-6 (San Francisco, June 2006).
- K. Kitayama, X. Wang, N. Wada, "Coherent Techniques for Optical Code Division Multiple-Access Systems," OSA Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications and Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications (OAAC/OTA), no. CFD3, June 2006.
- K. Kitayama, X. Wang, and N. Wada, gEnabling Technology for Future Gigabit-Symmetric FTTH: Coherent OCDMA over WDM-PON,h APOC2006.
- K. Kitayama, "R&D for 21st Century Photonic Networks (Plenary)," ICOCN2006 (Chengdu, Sept. 2006).
- K. Kitayama, gKey Enablers for Future Photonic Platforms beyond NGN: OCDMA and OPS (Keynote Speech),h NICT-Tsinghua University Joint Symposium on OCDMA & OPS (Beijing, Dec.2007).
- K.Kitayama, "R&Ds for 21st Century Photonic Network in Japan," ONDM2007, We2.6 (Athens, Greece, May 29~31,2007)
- K.Kitayama, X.Wang, and N.Wada, OCDMA: A practical solution path to new-generation sysmmetric-bandwidth access system, COIN2007 (Melbourne, June 25~28, 2007).
- K.Kitayama, S.Arakawa, S.Matsuo, M.Murata, M.Notomi, R.Takahashi, and Y.Itaya, "All-optical RAM-based buffer for packet switch," PS2007, SYMP1.3 (S.F, August 2007).
- K. Kitayama, "Analog-to digital photonic converter with state of art of photonic digital signal processing in Japan," Workshop on Digital Photonic photonics for signal processing in broad-band all-optical communication, PS2007 (S.F, August 2007).
- K. Kitayama, T. Kuri, H. Toda, and J.J. Vegas Olmos, "Radio over fiber : DWDM analog/digital access network and its enabling technologies," 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS2007), ThO1, pp.794-795, October 21- 25 (Lake Buena Vista, FL, Oct.2007)
- K.Kitayama, "Optical code in optical networkings," APOC2007, Session 3b (Wuhan, Nov.2007)
- K.Kitayama, "OCDMA: A practical solution path to new-generation symmetric-bandwidth access system," APOC2007, Workshop on Optical Switching and Routing Technologies (Wuhan, Nov.2007)
- K.Kitayama, T.Kuri, H.Toda, and J.V.Olmos, "Fiber-Wireless Networks and Radio-over-Fibre Technique," CLEO 2008 (San Jose, May 2008)
- K.Kitayama, Y.Miyoshim and S.Namiki, "All-optical A/D conversion toward TeraSample/s regime," Workshop, OECC2008 (Sydney, July, 2008)
- K.Kitayama, "Optical CDMA: Fundamentals, Developments, and Applications (Tutorial)," OECC2008 (Sydney, July, 2008)
- K.Kitayama, J.J.Vegas Olmos, T.Kuri, and H.Toda, "DWDM Analog Radio-over-Fiber/Digital FTTH Hybrid Access Networking and Its Enabling Technologies," APOC2008 (Hangzou, Oct.2008)
- K.Kitayama, "All-optical ultrafast analog-to-digital conversion and its applications," OFC2009 Workshop on Present and Future Applications of Analogue Microwave Photonics (San Diego, March22, 2009)
- K.Kitayama, Y.Miyoshi, S.Takagi, and S.Namiki gUltrafast All-Optical Analog-to- Digital Conversion using Fiber Nonlinearity" ECOC2009 (Vienna, 2009.9)
- K.Kitayama, A.Shinya, S.Matsuo, R.Takahashi, M.Murata, and S.Arakawa, gOptical RAM buffer for all-optical packet switches,h Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP2009), (Shanghai, Nov.2009)
- K.Kitayama, gOCDMA systems and the enabling technologies (Tutorial),h Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP2009), (Shanghai, Nov.2009)
- K.Kitayama, gHigh-security M-ary OCDM block-ciphering: Its en/decoding, transmission, and access (Invited),h 4th International Workshop on OPS & OCDMA (IWOO2009) (Nov.17-18, Tokyo)
- K. Kitayama, "Secure Photonic Networks (Keynote speech)," IWOO 2010 (Chengdu, Dec. 6-7, 2010).
- K. Kitayama, "Security in Photonic Networks: Potential Threats and Security Enhancement," APOC2010 (Shanghai, Dec.8-12, 2010).
- K. Kitayama, "Optical networking R&D activities in Japan," ONDM 2011, BONE Workshop (Bologna, Feb. 8-10, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, T. Kubo, R. Takahashi, S. Matsuo, S. Arakawa, M. Murata, M. Notomi, K. Nozaki, and K. Kato, "All-optical RAM buffer subsystem demonstrator," OFC2011 (Los Angeles, March 6-10, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "Rationale of OCDMA/OFDMA for NG-PON," International Topical Meeting on Information Photonics (IP2011), (Invited), AOC18-1-3 (Ottawa, May 18-20, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "Rationale of OCDMA for NG-PON: 10Gbps bandwidth-symmetric, long-reach, and high-security (Tutorial)," ICC 2011, TU-TP3 (Kyoto, June 9, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "OCDMA and OFDMA Technologies for NG-PON," Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC2011) in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2011, ATuB4 (Toronto, June 12-15, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "A Novel Conceptual Model of Secure Photonic Network," 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2011) (Stockholm, June 26-30, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "Photonic Networks Beyond the Next - Power-saving, Security, and Resilience - (Plenary talk)," IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim2011 (Sydney, August 29-Sept.1, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "OCDMA/OFDMA for NG-PON," APC2011 (Invited), 8310-26 (Shanghai, Nov.13-18, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "Green, Secure, and Elastic Photonic Network (Plenary talk)," IWOO2012 (Okinawa, Dec.12-13, 2011).
- K. Kitayama, "Green, Secure, and Elastic Photonic Network Beyond the Next," Workshop on Strategic Commercialization of Innovation (Hong Kong, Feb.4, 2012).
- K. Kitayama, "Green, Secure, and Elastic Photonic Networks Beyond the Next (Keynote speech)," ONDM2012 (Colchester, UK, April 17-20, 2012).
- K. Kitayama, Y. Yoshida, and A. Maruta, gGreen, Elastic Coherent IFDMA-PON for Next-Generation Access Network (Plenary talk),h ICTON2012 (Coventry, UK, July 2012).
- K. Kitayama, D. Soumitra, and R. Takahashi, "Green, High-Performance OptoelectronicPacket Switching Network for Data Centers (Invited)," Photonics in Switching (PS2012), Symoposium "Photonics in Data Centers and Computing," (Corsica, Sept. 11-14, 2012).
- K. Kitayama et al., "High-Performance Optoelectronic Packet Switching Network for Data Center," ACP2012 (Guangzhou, Nov.7-10, 2012)
- K. Kitayama et al., "Elastic & green coherent IFDMA PON system," OFC2013 (Anaheim, March 17-21, 2013).
- K. Kitayama, "Photonic Network Vision 2020 in Big Data Era (Keynote speech)," ONDM 2013 (Brest, France, April 16-19, 2013).
- K. Kitayama, S. Debnath, Y. Yoshida, R. Takahashi, and A. Hiramatsu, "Energy-Efficient, High-Performance Optoelectronic Packet Switching for Intra Data Center Network," ICTON 2013 (Cartagena, Spain, June 23-27, 2013).
- K. Kitayama et al., "Green and Smart Data Center Networks based on Optical Packet Switching with Flow Control," IEEE Summer Topicals, Photonics in Data Centers (July8-10, Hawaii, USA).
- K. Kitayama, "Photonic Network Vision 2020 - Smart Photonic Networking in Big Dta Era - (Plenary talk)," COIN 2013 (Beijing, Oct. 18-20, 2013).
- K. Kitayama, "Photonic Network Vision 2020 in Big Data Era (Plenary talk)," LQCC 2013 (Liaocheng, Shandong, Oct.18-20, 2013).
- K. Kitayama, "Digital coherent technology for optical fiber and radio-over-fiber transmission systems (Plenary talk)," MWP 2013 (Virginia, USA, Oct.28-31, 2013).
- K. Kitayama, "Photonic Network Vision 2020 -Smart Photonic Networking, Synthetic Transport Platform, and Scale-free Photonics- (Keynote Speech)," Globecom 2013, Workshop on SDN Optics (Atlanta, December 9-13, 2013).
- K. Kitayama et al., "Technology options beyond NG-PON2," OECC2014 (Melbourne, June 6-10, 2014).
- K. Kitayama et al., "OPS/OCS Intra-Data Center Network with Intelligent Flow Control (Invited)," PS2014 (San Diego, July 13-17, 2014).)
- K. Kitayama, "Optical networks in big data era (Keynote Talk)," PIERS 2014 (Guangzhou, August 25-28, 2014).
- K. Kitayama, gK. Kitayama et al., "Optical Packet and Path Switching Intra-Data Center Network: Enabling Technologies and Network Performance with Intelligent Flow Control (Invited),h ECOC2014, (Cannes, France, Sept. 2014).
- K. Kitayama, "OPS/OCS intra-data center network,h ACP2014 Workshop 7, Optical Datacentre Networks (Nov.11, 2014, Shanghai, China)
- K. Kiatayama, Y. -C. Huang, Y. Yoshida, R. Takahashi, and M. Hayashitani, gWhy DC Network requires OCS as well as OPS,h OFC2015 Workshop: Do Small, Large, and Mega Data Centers Need Advanced Photonics Technology? (Los Angeles, March 2015).
- K. Kitayama, gWhy Data Center Requires Both, OPS and OCS !h Big Data Photonics 2015, (Los Angeles, March 27, 2015).
- K. Kitayama, gTechnology Option of Access Network in 5G-era : Bandwidth-elastic IFDMA and Digital Coherent Radio-over-Fiber,h Optics & Photonics Congress on Advanced Photonics, Signal Processing in Photonics Communications (SPPCom) (Boston, June 2015).
- K. Kitayama, gDigital Coherent W-band MIMO Radio-over-Fiber Systems,h Advanced Photonics, SPPcom (Boston, June 27-30, 2015).
- K. Kitayama, gDeployment Scenarios of MDM : MIMO Radio-over-fiber System and Metro Area Network,h Advanced Photonics, SDM Workshop (Boston, June 28, 2015).
- K. Kitayama, gDigital coherent W-band radio-over-fiber systems,h Frontier in Optics (FiO2015), Fiber Optics and Optical Communication, (San Jose Oct.18-22, 2015)
- K. Kitayama, gThe Vision Towards Smart Photonic Cloud,h Photonics in Switching (PS2015), (Florence, Sept. 22-25, 2015)
- K. Kitayama, "Coordinated Role of Optical and Wireless Network in 5G-era (Plenary Talk),h MWP2015 (October 26-29, 2015, Paphos, Cyprus).
- K. Kitayama et al., gMillimeter-wave Radio-over-Fiber Transmission System.h Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2015) (Hong Kong, Nov.19-23).