‘Û‰ï‹c(Postdeadline papers)

- [1] K. Kitayama, M. Nakamura, Y. Igasaki, and K. Kaneda, "Image-fiber-optic space-CDMA for parallel image transmission: experiment," 1996 International Topical Meeting on OPTICAL COMPUTING (OCf96), OWD4 (Sendai 1996).
- [2] K. Kitayama, "Highly-stabilized, tunable, millimeter-wave generation by using fiber-optic frequency comb generator," International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWPf96), PDP-4 (Kyoto 1996).
- [3] K. Kitayama, "Highest spectral efficiency(0.5bit/s/Hz), 4.96Gb/s, 50-km OFDM/PDM fiber-optic wireless link," The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rimf97), PD2.13 (Makuhari, 1997).
- [4] K. Kitayama and R. A. Griffin, "Optical downconversion for millimeter-wave-to-IF-band over 50km-long non-dispersion shifted SMF link," 3rd Optoelectronics and communications conference(OECCf98), PD1-8, pp.16-17(Makuhari, 1998).
- [5] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, "10Gb/s OCDM/WDM multiple access using spectrum-sliced supercontinuum BPSK pulse code sequence," Optical Amplifier and their Applications 1999 (OAAf99), PDP-7 (Nara, 1999).
- [6] N.Kataoka, N. Wada, F. Kubota, K.Sone, Y. Aoki, H.Miyata, H.Onaka, and K. Kitayama, "Field trial of granularity-flexible ROADM with wavelength-Packet-selective switch using concurrent generation technique of optical code label and payload data," OFC05, PDP41 (Anaheim, March 2005).
- [7] X. Wang, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, T. Miyazaki and K. Kitayama, "Demonstration of 12-user, 10.71 Gbps truly asynchronous OCDMA using FEC and a pair of multi-port optical-encoder/decoder," ECOC2005, Th4.5.3 (Glasgow, Sept. 2005).
- [8] X. Wang, N. Wada, T. Miyazaki, G. Cincotti, and K. Kitayama, "Field Trial of 3-WDM~10-OCDMA~10.71 Gbps, Truly asynchronous, WDM/DPSK-OCDMA using Hybrid E/D without FEC and Optical threshold," OFC2006, PDP44 (Anaheim, March 2006).
- [9] K. Mishina, S.M. Nissanka, A. Maruta., S. Mitani., K. Ishida., K. Shimizu, T. Hatta, and K. Kitayama, "All-optical NRZ-OOK to RZ-QPSK error-free conversion at 10.7Gsymbol/s using parallel SOA-MZI OOK/BPSK converters in a MZI configuration," OFC2007, PDP2.(Anaheim, March 2007).
- [10] N. Kataoka, N. Wada, X. Wang, G. Cincotti, A. Sakamoto, Y. Terada, T. Miyazaki, and K. Kitayama, "Duplex, Fully-Asynchronous, 10Gbps x 8-user DPSK-OCDMA Field Trial using a Multi-port En/Decoder and SSFBG En/Decoders," OFC08, PDP27 (San Diego, March 2008)
- [11] S.Yoshima, N.Nakagawa, N.Suzuki, M.Noda, M.Nogami, J.Nakagawa, and K.Kitayama, "Demonstration of Burst Transmission of Multiple Capacity 10G-PON over OCDMA Uplink using Hybrid SSFBG Encoder / Multi-port Decoder and 10Gbps Burst-mode Receiver," OFC2009, PDP D4 (San Diego, March 2009)
- [12] Y. Miyoshi, S. Takagi, S. Namiki, K. Kitayama, "Multi]Period PM NOLM with Dynamic Counter]Propagating Effects Compensation for 5-bit All Optical Analog-to-Digital Conversion," OFC2009, PDP A6 (San Diego, March 2009).
- [13] G. Contestabile, A. Maruta, S. Sekiguchi, K. Morito, and K. Kitayama, "160 Gb/s Cross Gain Modulationin Quantum Dot SOA at 1550 nm," ECOC2010, PDP 1.4 (Vienna, Sept. 2009)
- [14] N. Kataoka, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, and K. Kitayama, g2.56 Tbps (40-Gbps x 8-wavelength x 4-OC x 2-POL) Asynchronous WDM-OCDMA-PON using a Multi-port Encoder/Decoder,h ECOC2011, PDP, Th.13.B.6 (Geneva, Sept.18-22, 2011).
- Y. Yoshida et al., "First international SDN-based Network Orchestration of Variable-capacity OPS over Programmable Flexi-grid EON," OFC2014, Th5A.2 (San Francisco, March, 2014).