Multihop optical code labeled packet switching with high-agility wavelength conversion
- Title :
Multihop optical code labeled packet switching with high-agility wavelength conversion
- Authors :
Kiyoshi Onohara, Ken-ichi Kitayama, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada, and Fumito Kubota
- Journal :
Journal of Optical Networking, vol. 4, no. 10, pp.632-646 October 2005.
- Abstract :
We demonstrate multihop optical code labeled packet switching with agile and phase-preserved
wavelength conversion. The wavelength converter consists of a highly-nonlinear fiber(HNLF)
and a multiwavelength distributed feedback laser-diode(DFB-LD) array module. We obtained
a switching time of less than 1 ns, and the tolerance of the optical encoder for wavelength
shift of the DFB-LD was 0.08 nm. The ralative phases of each chip pulse in eight-chip-long
binary phase shift keying(BPSK) optical code after the wavelength conversion by four-wave
mixing (FWM) is preserved. We simulate the performance of packet-loss probability with the
wavelength conversion in a limited wavelenghth range of the wavelength converter. The
numerical simulations show that the packet-loss probability degrades only 3.1% under the
link utilization of 0.4, in comparison to that with the wavelength conversion having
an unlimited wavelenghth range of conversion.
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