Characterization of a full encoder/decoder in the AWG configuration for code-based photonic routers.
Part I: modelling and design
- Title :
Characterization of a full encoder/decoder in the AWG configuration for code-based photonic routers.
Part I: modelling and design
- Author :
G. Cincotti, N. Wada, N. Kataoka, and K, Kitayama
- Journal :
IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp.103-112, 2006.
- Abstract :
We report a detailed description of the design guidelines for a full encoder/decoder that is
able to generate/process a set of optical codes simultaneously.
The device has an array waveguide grating configuration, but the corresponding design rules are
different from those of a multiplexer/demultiplexer. In an accurate model, based on the diffraction
theory, we analyze the slab diffraction effect and the loss nonuniformity.
Furthermore, the performance of the phase shift keyed codes simultaneously generated by the device
and the corresponding packet loss probability are also investigated.
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