"Cost-effective colorless WDM-PON delivering up/down-stream data and broadcast services on a single wavelength using mutually injected Fabry-Perot laser diodes,"
- Title :
"Cost-effective colorless WDM-PON delivering up/down-stream data and broadcast services on a single wavelength using mutually injected Fabry-Perot laser diodes,"
- Author :
H.-C.Ji, I.Yamashita, and K.Kitayama,
- Journal :
to appear in Optics Express.
- Abstract: We propose and demonstrate for the first time a
cost-effective and colorless wavelength-division-multiplexed passive
optical network which can provide a full-duplex 155-Mb/s
up/downstream data and broadcast signals on a single wavelength using
light-injected optical sources and bidirectional transmission in a
single fiber. The optical sources for downstream and upstream
baseband data are Fabry-Perot laser diode (FPLD) at the central
office and a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) at
each optical network unit, respectively. The broadband light source
(BLS) for the downstream is implemented by using mutually injected
FPLDs. The transmission experiment shows that the error-free
operation for baseband data and a high-quality broadcast signal with
3-dB CNR margin can be obtained.
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